• Une semaine record

    Huitième semaine consécutive, que se passe t-il sur le CAC40 ?

  • Is 2018 the right year for the Swiss market ?

    During the past few years, the Swiss equity market has been forsaken by many investors due to the weak performance of its healthcare and financial sectors, but is that still the case? Swiss equity market outlook Swiss companies have made some interesting profits recently with net earnings yield that have constantly increased during the past…

  • Comment réussir le niveau 1 du CFA ?

    Examen de référence dans le monde de la finance, le CFA (pour Chartered Financial Analyst) est une certification délivrée par le CFA Institute. Entièrement en anglais, le CFA est composé de trois niveaux, nécessitant chacun au moins 300 heures de préparation. Deux sessions sont organisées par an, en juin et en décembre. Quentin Walker, étudiant…

  • Finance comportementale : entre raison et sentiments

    La nobélisation de l’économiste R. Thaler en 2017 met en lumière une discipline trop souvent occultée car en rupture totale avec les préceptes néo-classiques : l’économie/finance comportementale. Comportement bah ouais. La théorie initiale : le financier (et a fortiori l’être humain) est un être doué de rationalité pure. L’être humain est un homo oeconomicus ; il cherche à…

  • Blue is the new black: water as a long-term investment.

    Water scarcity is one of the biggest threats that the world could face in the near future. Most people think that this issue is only related to a lack of infrastructure in poor regions. However, it is a global issue as countries like China, India, Australia and even the USA are also affected by this…

  • CAC 40 -Weekly Report & Forecast (26th February, 2018)

    As expected in our previous report, the market showed strong upside potential with a resistance around 200 DMA. It staged a decent recovery of +0.7% (weekly basis) to close the previous week at 5317 wherein it has given a strong signal for the continued upward momentum by closing comfortably above the 200 DMA and the…