What do negative yielding bonds mean for investors?
Aug 21, 2019 was an historical day in fixed income with Germany issuing its first 30 years negative yielding bond. The bond is set up to mature in Aug 2050 and pays no coupon (zero-coupon bond), but instead of selling at a discount, it sold at a premium. In fact, investors have been willing to…
Deutsche Bank’s one-year Wealth Management Graduate Program in Geneva.
Interview of Lisa Tyshchenko, a fellow GEM and GFS Alumnus After completing the MSc Finance at Grenoble Ecole de Management, Lisa Tyshchenko joined Deutsche Bank on a one-year Wealth Management Graduate Program in Geneva. She started preparing her career early on, by networking and keeping herself informed about the finance sector, as she already knew…
N26: a German Fintech at the GEM Audit and Finance Bootcamp
The participants of the GEM Audit and Finance Bootcamp on September 19th must have heard of N26; a Neo-bank founded in 2013 in Germany. Two representatives of this company were present at the event: Max Schertel, Head of Business Operations, and Jeff Lovejoy, Global Future Talent Programme Manager. This article reports an interview with them…
Value Investing : qu’est-ce que le « moat » ?
Dans sa lettre aux actionnaires de Berkshire Hathaway en 1986, Warren Buffett évoque pour la première fois le concept de « moat », pour qualifier la force d’une société (GEICO, une compagnie d’assurance automobile) dans laquelle il est investi. Aujourd’hui encore, le « moat » est une caractéristique recherchée par nombre d’investisseurs de long-terme. Pour comprendre ce qu’est…
The State of Artificial Intelligence: Interview with Davide Ferrara, Managing Partner of Macrina Investment Management
Welcome Davide. Let’s start from your background and the most significant moments in your career. In brief, after my first Master in Boston, I enrolled for an MSc in Finance & Investment Management at London Business School, which I attended part-time while working as a derivatives trader in the City. I was one of the…
Quel avenir pour l’ISR dans le monde de la gestion d’actifs ?
L’Investissement Socialement Responsable : nécessité ou miroir aux alouettes ? Le 14 janvier, l’EDF Californien PG&E se déclarait en faillite suite à des réclamations financières s’élevant à plus de 30 milliards de dollars. Sa responsabilité a été mise en cause dans les incendies qui ont ravagé près de 190 000 hectares de terres en Californie. Si la…