• Guerre commerciale, jusqu’où ira t-on ?

    Oui encore une fois on reparle de ça ! En même temps cette nouvelle guerre a de quoi occuper les marchés, pas très motivés par les chiffres macroéconomiques et les perspectives de croissance. On résume la semaine ? Le lundi est rythmé par le pétrole. Alors que le CAC perdait 1,5%, le rebond du pétrole…

  • What about Public-Private Partnership?

    Origin and principle of Public-Private Partnership   Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are used to enable public authorities to call on private providers to finance and manage equipment or infrastructure contributing to the public service. This is a way of organising the public service but also a method of financing whereby the private service provider is…

  • Toward a new SME financing model in France?

    Toward a new SME financing model in France?   SMEs represent half of employment in France (1) but they are the one who struggle the most to finance themselves. Indeed, they keep being under developed and this partially due to a lack of adapted financing. The number of exporting SMEs is also too low and…

  • Changing our image. (our path through communication management).

      GEM Finance Society is currently working on improving its image. Finance orientation, professionalism, work ethic, and integrity will be our values to portray. Stay tuned for the future changes.